
LANrena Neustetten e.V.




LANrena Neustetten e.V.
p.A. Matthias Müller
Marktstr. 23
71111 Waldenbuch

E-Mail: info[ATT]

Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand

1. Vorsitzender
Matthias Müller
Marktstr. 23
71111 Waldenbuch

2. Vorsitzender
Lukas Frank
Schulstraße 5
71083 Herrenberg


1. Vorsitzender:

Matthias Müller

2. Vorsitzender:

Lukas Frank


Sebastian Zoller


Florian Lenz-Teufel


Markus Klemm





Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Registernummer: VR390422

Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV:

Matthias Müller
Marktstr. 23
71111 Waldenbuch

Haftungshinweis: Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich.

Sämtliche Rechte an den Inhalten dieser Webseiten liegen bei LANrena Neustetten e.V. Alle Rechte bleiben vorbehalten. Vervielfältigung im Ganzen oder in Teilen ist ohne ausdrückliche Genehmigung von LANrena Neustetten e.V. in jeglicher Form auf jeglichem Medium verboten.



Regeln zum Thema Datenschutz: Datenschutzvereinbarung


27. Sep 2019 - 29. Sep 2019
18 16 / 24
16 / 24



Derzeit gibt es keine aktuellen Umfragen.


JFZ Sindelfingen


found 164 debug messages

0.000029 - GLOBAL::include              -> config.php
0.000657 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.dotDatabase.php
0.000957 - dotDatabase::getInstance     -> connection: database
0.000969 - dotDatabase::__construct     -> connection: database
0.000986 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/
0.001454 - page::getInstance            -> do
0.001494 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.dotSession.php
0.001897 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.001912 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.user.php
0.002278 - dotSession::start            -> ---- init
0.002294 - dotSession::start            -> start php session managment
0.002371 - dotSession::start            -> finished php session management
0.002377 - dotSession::start            -> save user and host information to new session_array
0.002384 - dotSession::start            -> check for security options
0.441957 - dotSession::start            -> lookup ip2country
0.441983 - dotDatabase::connect         -> d030eee4@localhost
0.442306 - dotDatabase::select          -> database: d030eee4
0.442443 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT `code` FROM `country_ip2code` WHERE 316634897 BETWEEN ip_from AND ip_to
0.443692 - dotSession::start            -> update current session online user infos
0.443714 - dotDatabase::query           -> UPDATE session SET lastactivity = 1714197310, userid = 0, site = '', host = '', dns = '', countrycode = 'US', hits = hits + 1 WHERE hash = 'f7f46a1e4b6251d48fab01f16e49af84'
0.443843 - dotSession::start            -> no session found in db == insert new db sesssion
0.443865 - dotDatabase::query           -> INSERT INTO `session`SET hash = 'f7f46a1e4b6251d48fab01f16e49af84', lastactivity = 1714197310, userid = 0, site = '', referer = '', useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;', host = '', dns = '', countrycode = 'US', hits = 1
0.444742 - dotSession::load_locales     -> do
0.444795 - dotSession::load_locales     -> chosing language for locales: de_DE.UTF-8
0.444802 - dotSession::start            -> ---- finished with session startup
0.444820 - dotSession::load_user        -> id: 0
0.444844 - user::get_user               -> id: >0<
0.444853 - dotDatabase::getInstance     -> connection: database
0.444875 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.styles.php
0.445180 - styles::load                 -> name: ><
0.445203 - styles::load                 -> include: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/html/styles/lanrenav3.php
0.445538 - styles::activate             -> style = lanrenav3
0.445639 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.admin.php
0.445822 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.445829 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.445836 - admin::__construct           -> user_id=0
0.445840 - user::load_settings          -> load current user settings to $global
0.445850 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.prvmsg.php
0.446025 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.event.php
0.446356 - EVENT::comming_event         -> return
0.446367 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT id FROM events WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) > 1714197310 AND active=1 ORDER by begin ASC
0.446602 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT id FROM events WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) < 1714197310 AND active=1 ORDER by begin DESC LIMIT 1
0.446784 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.sitzplan.php
0.447180 - GLOBAL::end global.php       -> ---------------------------------------------
0.447285 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT * FROM sponsoren WHERE group_id = '1' AND active = 1 ORDER BY display_order DESC
0.447357 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT * FROM sponsoren WHERE group_id = '1' AND active = 1 ORDER BY display_order DESC
0.447455 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT * FROM sponsoren WHERE group_id = '6' AND active = 1 ORDER BY display_order DESC
0.447604 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT * FROM sponsoren WHERE group_id = '6' AND active = 1 ORDER BY display_order DESC
0.447691 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.article.php
0.448260 - ARTICLE::get_article         -> id >2<
0.448271 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT article.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateline) AS unixtime, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(edited) AS edittime, article_section.template FROM article LEFT JOIN article_section ON WHERE = 2 AND IN (0,1) LIMIT 1
0.450008 - user::get_user               -> id: >2<
0.450024 - dotDatabase::getInstance     -> connection: database
0.450034 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(geb) AS geb_unix FROM user WHERE id = 2 ORDER by id DESC
0.450210 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.html.php
0.450898 - ARTICLE::show_comments       -> id >2<
0.450911 - ARTICLE::display             -> id >2<
0.450916 - ARTICLE::get_article         -> id >2<
0.450922 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT article.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dateline) AS unixtime, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(edited) AS edittime, article_section.template FROM article LEFT JOIN article_section ON WHERE = 2 AND IN (0,1) LIMIT 1
0.451020 - user::get_user               -> id: >2<
0.451034 - user::get_user               -> found in cache
0.451073 - HTML::encodeCms              -> Vereinsanschrift
0.451118 - HTML::template               -> template: >artikel_display<
0.452036 - GLOBAL::end userspace        -> ---------------------------------------------
0.452043 - PAGE::render                 -> start rendering page layout
0.452051 - USER::check_for_new_messages -> return
0.452059 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.452079 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- side=left
0.452091 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.cbox.php
0.452863 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_main
0.452876 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >news<
0.452889 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.452941 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.452960 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.452998 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_site
0.453006 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >site<
0.453015 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453047 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453060 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453070 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453080 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453089 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453099 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.453116 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.453128 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.453142 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_verein
0.453148 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >verein<
0.453156 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453167 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453177 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453186 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453195 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453204 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.453220 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.453231 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.453244 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_event
0.453250 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >event<
0.453258 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453269 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453278 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453289 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453299 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453308 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453317 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453326 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453337 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453346 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.453362 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.453373 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.453388 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: left::menu_login
0.453393 - CBOX::menu                   -> generate Menu Box >login<
0.453407 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453418 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu_bit<
0.453428 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_menu<
0.453444 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_left< == 1
0.453455 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_left<
0.453473 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- side=right
0.453483 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::party
0.453489 - CBOX::party                  -> generate Box
0.453497 - EVENT::short_event           -> id >17<
0.453500 - EVENT::getevent              -> id >17<
0.453506 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT, active, invite, password,, anzahl, preis, konto, kontocheck, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(kontocheck) AS kontocheck_unix, AS location, AS plz, AS ort, event_location.street AS strasse, event_location.countrycode, location_id, map_template, allow_signoff, voraussetzung, minalter, turnier, netzwerk, weiteres, banner, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(begin) AS begin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end) AS end, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(signupbegin) AS sgbegin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(signupend) AS sgend, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(seatreservebegin) AS seatbegin, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(seatreserveend) AS seatend, seatimage, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(canceled) AS canceled, archiv_gallery, archiv_media FROM events LEFT JOIN event_location ON WHERE AND active=1
0.453668 - dotCommon::classload         -> require: /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.cache.php
0.453852 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >event_17::stats< found
0.453893 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_event<
0.453964 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.453980 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.454016 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::forum
0.454024 - CBOX::forum                  -> generate forum box
0.454031 - CBOX::forum_load_threads     -> load data
0.454041 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >forum::topthreads< found
0.454114 - CBOX::forum_threads          -> list all threads in array
0.454123 - FORUM::thread_lastvisit      -> threadid: array ( 0 => 2510, 1 => 2509, 2 => 2499, 3 => 2502, 4 => 2508, 5 => 2507, 6 => 2506, 7 => 1919, 8 => 2505, 9 => 2485, 10 => 2503, 11 => 2501, 12 => 2500, 13 => 2496, 14 => 2498, 15 => 2497, 16 => 2495, 17 => 2493, 18 => 2494, 19 => 2445, )
0.454136 - admin::getInstance           -> do
0.454160 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.454217 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.454248 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.454275 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.454298 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.454322 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum_bit<
0.454336 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_forum<
0.454384 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.454398 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.454415 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::vote
0.454422 - CBOX::vote                   -> generate Box
0.454426 - dotDatabase::query           -> SELECT v_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(v_ende) AS v_ende FROM vote_main WHERE v_start < NOW() AND v_ende > NOW() AND v_active=1 AND v_top=1 ORDER by v_start DESC
0.454584 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_vote_nocurrent<
0.454644 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.454661 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.454679 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::banner
0.454693 - CACHE::get                   -> cache: >sponsoren_7::cbox_lanrenav3.de_DE< found
0.454723 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.454736 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.454752 - PAGE::get_boxes              -> -------- call: right::search
0.454759 - CBOX::template               -> generate Box with >box_suchen< as template
0.454764 - HTML::template               -> template: >box_suchen<
0.454800 - HTML::template_exists        -> search: >page_box_right< == 1
0.454812 - HTML::template               -> template: >page_box_right<
0.454830 - PAGE::render                 -> final
0.454835 - PAGE::renderTemplate         -> page
0.454841 - PAGE::getHead                -> return
0.454844 - dotSession::getInstance      -> do
0.454909 - HTML::template               -> template: >page<
0.455029 - PAGE::render_template        -> final

PHP Includes   : 19
DB Queries     : 14
Rendering Time : 0.455329

Includes PHP Files: 
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/impressum/index.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/global.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.dotCommon.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/config.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.dotDatabase.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.dotSession.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.user.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.styles.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/html/styles/lanrenav3.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.admin.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.prvmsg.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.event.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.sitzplan.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/html/styles/
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.article.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.html.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.cbox.php
 - /www/htdocs/w00f1046/includes/class.cache.php